7/28/2009–Raleigh, NC–NC Wing members established an exhibition booth at the North Carolina Sheriffs' Association Training Conference in Raleigh on July 28, 2009. The purpose of the exhibition was to educate the elected sheriffs in North Carolina about what CAP could do for them and their agencies including the CAP Counterdrug Program.
A number of the sheriffs in attendance took the time to stop and talk with the CAP members manning the booth and a large amount of literature, including a special North Carolina Wing edition of CAPabilities, was presented to the lawmen. Many of the sheriffs stated their surprise at the many missions CAP performs and expressed an interest in learning more about Civil Air Patrol in North Carolina. CAP members interacting with the sheriffs at this conference were Col. Larry Ragland (former NC Wing Commander), Lt. Col. Jeff Willis (NC Wing DO), Maj. John Maxfield (NC Wing Legal Officer) and Maj. Dion Viventi (Former Commander, Raleigh-Wake Composite Squadron).