4/29/2014–Burlington, NC–At approximately 4:15 pm Saturday, the state of North Carolina Department of Emergency Management (NCEM) requested assistance from the NC wing of Civil Air Patrol (CAP) to provide transportation of bottled water and tarps to the areas in the northeast part of the state affected by the tornadoes Friday night.
Members from Raleigh -Wake, Halifax, Pitt- Greenville and Rocky Mount responded with three vans to deliver the much needed relief supplies. The teams met at the state warehouse in Tarboro and drove in convoy about 85 miles north to Winfall, NC arriving about 10 PM.
After delivering the supplies, they returned home safely at about 2AM.
North Carolina Wing Commander, David Crawford issued a formal thank you to the following members for their immediate response:
Maj Fred Draper NC-169
Maj William Hess NC-057
Capt Alberto Griffa NC-048
Capt Ricky Jones NC-079
Capt Don Williams NC-048
1st Lt. Blake Sauls NC-057
Major John May, North Carolina Wing Director of Emergency Services and incident commander for the mission, added "I am very proud that we were able to assist North Carolina Emergency Management. We have worked very hard in the past several years to solidify a strong working relationship."