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2017 Winter Ranger Training Weekend
Lt Col Grant (L) and Lt Col Lowrance help out on mess duty. PHOTO CREDIT: Maj Sherry Haskell, RTW PAO (click image to view full size)
A cadet's view on RTW
By C/SMSgt Katlin Torres
2/25/2017–MORROW MOUNTAIN STATE PARK, NC–The NCWG held its winter Ranger Training Weekend (RTW) on 10-12 February 2017 at Morrow Mountain State Park in Albemarle, NC. RTW was made up of basic, intermediate, advanced and independent study squadrons. Attendees came from throughout the NC Wing and a few cadets from Florida and Tennessee. The cadet squadron commanders and the TC's taught their cadets depending on their training level, e.g., Ranger third class, Ranger second class, and Ranger first class. The levels exemplify the course the students need to study so that they can use their skills in real life missions that involve searching for people or missing aircraft. Cadets learned many skills that they can use later on in Civil Air Patrol (CAP) emergency services missions.
The Charlie and Delta squadrons were the basic squadrons. These squadrons were led by C/2dLt Siciliano and C/Capt Harwell. The Intermediate squadron was led by C/Capt Boothe. Alpha squadron was led by C/2dLt Schwartz. Lt Schwartz hoped that his cadets would have earned Ranger first class by Sunday morning. Although not all of them accomplished that goal, he was still proud of his cadets and the efforts they put forth. Last but not least was Echo squadron. Echo squadron was for cadets and senior members who are advanced enough in the Ranger program to do independent study. Echo squadron's commander was C/Lt Col Torp-Pedersen.
The cadet executive staff consisted of C/Lt Col Donahue, C/Maj Carnes and C/1st Lt North. They did an amazing job getting everything organized for all the cadets at the Ranger school. It was also the Ranger school cadet commander's (C/Lt Col Donahue's) last Ranger training event as the cadet commander. Special thanks to him for being an amazing leader and somebody who solves problems in a professional manner.
The cadet support staff also did an awesome job by helping the executive staff keep mission base organized when the executive staff were off doing their jobs. Although there were only a few cadets serving as support staff, they doubled-up on their jobs and keep everything going well with a positive attitude and by helping out wherever needed.
In conclusion, RTW was an amazing opportunity to see what cadets are capable of and what they were able to learn in three intense days. All cadets should attend future NCWG Ranger schools as students or staff. It is an experience unlike any other.