The North Carolina Wing Civil Air Patrol web site is designed to make its content accessible for users with physical disabilities, otherwise well-enabled users with degraded eyesight or hearing impairments, and well-enabled users who are using outdated or degraded equipment (e.g., bad computer monitors) to view this site.
Our goal is to meet or exceed the guidelines and standards set forth by the United States Access Board and as required by law in Section 508 of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Moreover, we are constantly reviewing this site to find ways to meet the recommendations of the Web Accessibility Initiative.
To that end, we ask you for your assistance. Please contact us if you know of a way we can make this site’s content more accessible for you.
One common problem that users with high-resolution monitors and/or degraded eyesight may face is that onscreen text may appear to be too small to read. Users may use the built-in controls in their web browser to increase text size. This site provides an onscreen method of increasing text size by clicking the one of the two “A”s in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
We hope you find the North Carolina Wing Civil Air Patrol site easy to use. We appreciate your feedback so we can make the content more accessible for you.